Alert: Volusia County GSSF Match V February 5-6 canceled due to weather


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the matches like?

      • A match is typically two days, with the ability to come and shoot your chosen division at any time. Once you come and sign up, you will be directed to the correct range and instructed on how to complete the course of fire by our staff.

2. What if the weather is bad at a match?

      • If the weather gets too bad to start a match, an announcement will be sent out canceling the match. If the weather turns bad mid-match, the GSSF staff will alert contestants if the match is to be postponed or canceled.

3. What do I need to bring to a match?

      • The GLOCK pistol for the division you intend to shoot in, 4+ magazines, ammunition, eye and ear protection, and the readiness to compete!

4. Is there a dress code?

        • There is no dress code for the matches, but we encourage you to wear clothing that won’t trap hot casings and minimizes exposed skin.

5. Will there be food?

        • Matches sometimes have lunch available for purchase on both days, provided by a local organization. We recommend that you pack snacks and drinks as a backup.

 6. How long does competing in a match take?

        • Plan to be at the range all day.

7. How much is a yearly membership?

      • An annual membership for an individual is $35 the first year and $25 each subsequent year for renewal. For a family of 3-6 people, the cost is $90 for the first year and $70 for renewal.

8. What are the age restrictions for competitions?

        • Most ranges have no age restrictions, as long as the person is able to handle the firearm safely and understands the range commands and instructions. For matches that occur at ranges with age restrictions, there will be a post to inform of the fact ahead of time.

9. If I have modified my GLOCK, can I still compete?

        • See page 8 of our current Rules and Regulations for accepted modifications.

10. What if my GLOCK needs to be repaired at a match?

        • There is an armorer at every match to keep all guns running.

11. How do I find a match near me?

        • Check out the GSSF website for all match announcements and the complete schedule. You can also join GLOCK IQ and access the calendar on the Events page.

12. How many matches are there a year?

        • It varies, but there are generally 58 matches in a year.

13. How many matches can I attend a year?

        • As many as you would like.

14. When and where do I sign in?

        • After you have registered and received your self-adhesive entry labels, look for the “Sign-In” areas usually located at the front of the shooting pits. Be sure to sign in at three locations; one for each course of fire. To clarify, GSSF matches may have multiple set-up’s  and sign-in areas for one or all courses of fire.

15. Do I receive a scoresheet at that time?

          • No. Only when you are squadded.

16. What is a Squad?

          • A group of competitors who were given scoresheets based on their “priority” on the sign-in sheet. Once you are squadded, place the registration label(s) onto the bottom of the scoresheet(s).

17. What determines the priority of being chosen to be placed in a squad?

          • The range officer simply looks for those competitors who placed a mark near their name on the sign-in sheet. The range officer will start at the top of the sheet looking for marks in the “Squad” space and will accept up to eight entries per squad period. This doesn’t mean eight individual competitors per squad period, unless all are entered in one division. It is possible in some cases that only two persons will go to the line to shoot. Only two entries may be shot consecutively by one competitor.

18. When do squad periods take place?

          • When the previous squad is down to their final one or two entries. Squadding dozens of competitors before this time will not allow competitors who signed in at an earlier time to arrive and mark the “Squad” space on the sign-in sheet.

19. Why are only eight entries being taken at a time?

        • To allow those who signed in at an earlier time to arrive at the stage and mark the squad space on the sign-in sheet. If everyone helps the range officers and the stage is being run efficiently, squad clearance per eight entries shouldn’t exceed 25 minutes.

20. Can I sign in, mark the squad space and then leave the stage set-up?

          • No. Doing so is considered unsportsmanlike conduct. Marking your name and then departing from the stage area
            causes delays and creates more work for the RO’s. Anyone who marks off their name and then leaves without notifying the RO or removing the mark will be dealt with by the GSSF Range Master and possibly disqualified.

21. If I signed up before someone else, do I get to shoot before that person?

          • If you placed a mark near your name, you will be placed during the next squadding period if your entry is one of the first available 8 (priority based) entries. If waiting for the next squad period other competitors show up who signed in earlier and mark their name, they will shoot before you. This is simply the only fair way for GSSF to squad competitors. Rule 120.20 clearly states you must plan on spending the entire day to shoot. It may happen depending on how many show up at a particular time.

22. Why is GSSF using this squadding method?

          • GSSF gives competitors the option to show up and shoot at any time. No pre-match squad times are assigned. GSSF doesn’t dictate which day or hours to shoot the match. Since it is impossible to predict when and how many competitors will show up, this is ONLY method to organize a shooting order in a fair manner. This method isn’t as complicated for the RO’s to administer as in past years. When scoresheets were dropped off at the stages, the RO’s had to shuffle through dozens of sheets looking for names. In the past two seasons, the sign-in sheets weren’t always used correctly. Finally, the RO’s cannot “sense” who is listed on the sheet and ready to shoot without some help from YOU, the competitor. By simply placing a mark in the “Squad” space and staying at the stage location, the RO’s will be able to call out the first available eight entries, based on priority. We’re all out to have a good match. Thanks for your assistance!